John Absolon



son of John Absolon and Elizabeth
two sisters Mary and Margaret (who married Augustine Aglio)

married to Myse De Mansfield

ten children, one of whom Hugh Wolfgang worked with Augustine Aglio in the Photographic business

See Absolon family tree


Notes about John Absolon by his grand niece Marian Dibdin

An Artistic Dynasty

Small watercolour by John Absolon
Achived in Brighton

Small watercolour by John Absolon
Achived in Yorksire 

An unsigned painting among the Aglio - Absolon archive.
It is assumed to be painted by one or the other

See Comment regarding the paintings of Agostino Aglio, Augustine Aglio and John Absolon

Link to Titian Gallery -  John Absolon

Information regarding the connection between Aglio Absolon and Dibdin

See comment regarding the paintings of the Aglios and John Absolon

Large Watercolour by John Absolon


THE FIELD OF CRESSY IN 1857                  Drawn by John Absolon engraved by H.Robinson
The battle fought August 26 1348 between the French Army of 100,000 men under Philipe de Valois and the English of 30,000 under Edward III and his son the Black Prince who there won his spurs. The mill in the foreground is the one from which the King of England watched the battle.

THE FIELD OF AGINCOURT IN 1857           Drawn by John Absolon engraved by H.Robinson
In this battle Henry the Fifth with about 15000 men defeated the Constable d'Albert with 60000 Oct 24 1415 in the wood seen on the right. Henry the Fifth posted his archers who made terrible slaughter of the French on that memorable day.