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The Haycraft Family


New 2019 
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The line of the family that this site follows is shown below, resulting in three important lines, easily described as:
The Nottingham Haycrafts,
The Davis line
The Dibdin line.

Edith Haycraft is of particular interest as she moved to Saltburn and ran a School, the Towers. When her sister, Cecily, died tragically in a plane crash in 1933, she took in Joan Dibdin, acting as her guardian.

Edith Haycraft and Towers School
John Davis
WW2 story from Helen Ouin
Connections between Dibdin and Haycraft Families
Article - the Meeting of Cecily Haycraft and Lionel Dibdin
taken from the Life of Lionel Dibdin and Family.

Dr William Tutin Haycraft
of Greenwich

The Article above regarding Lionel and Cecily is the start of at very significant narrative within the lives of Joan and Peter Dibdin their surviving offspring. The Haycraft family played an important part in Joan's life from the a young age through to the time she was orphaned  and on into the World War 2 period and beyond. Many aspects of relation between and her Haycraft Aunts and her well loved cousins in Nottingham are explored in the Book "The Three Generations of the Dibdins" and the Sequel "Three Lives in World War 2" 

Some Family Members

John Haycraft from Plymouth
John of Rotherhithe
Dr William Tutin of Greenwich

Samuel Willetts m.Georgina Lawton
Bernard m.Frida Binkert             - Nottingham
Edith Ran the Towers School - Saltburn
Gertrude m. Lewis Davis             - Reigate
Cecily m. Lionel Dibdin           - Sutton
Stanley Muirhead 

Gertrude Haycraft

born 1885

Gertrude married Lewis Davis and had three sons. They lived in Reigate.

John Davis
John married Helen Ouin and had 4 children

Geoffrey Davis
Geoffrey died in the 2nd World War having married Sheila and had one son, Geoffrey

Pat Davis
Pat married Vivien and had one son, John

Extra Information