Susan Rebecca Eayre
nee Reed

14 September 1942 - 4 April 2010

Family Photographs from celebration of Sue's life
More Family Photographs from celebration


Daughter of Alan Reed 
and Ann Reed nee Rowntree
Sister to  Richenda 
Mary Ann 
Married to Dean Carson Eayre    
3 Children 

Katherine Ann 
Vanessa Susan
Matthew Dean

Sue's reflections

These thoughts and memories were part of the Service of Prayers and Readings (held on Friday 9 April 2010 in North Carolina) which remembered and celebrated Sue's life.

Don't mourn today. Instead please make this a celebration of a life well lived.

I was born in England during the war. I have a wonderful family of three sisters and a brother. We did not have much but we did not know we were missing anything. My parents valued family and education. Their greatest gift to us was freedom. I truly grew up with London as my playground: the library, the buildings, the zoo, the parks and the theater. When I was eight my mother let me walk my four year old brother across Hampstead Heath, buy him a train ticket, take him down the longest lift in the system and take him on a twenty minute train ride and then across the platform and bring him safely home. I later asked my mother why she let me do it. She said, "You wanted to go so badly, I couldn't say no."

I met Dean, the love of my life, in 1964 and can truly say that he has sustained me and loved me more than I deserve.

Since I left England in 1965, my sisters, Richenda, Lucy and Mary Ann and my brother, John, and my wonderful in-Iaws have kept us in their hearts and homes.

When I came to the US, I was accepted by Dean' s family and been so well looked after by Debbie and her family. She taught me a lot about America and fed me the most wonderful meals.

Together we have three fantastic children, Kathy, Vanessa and Matt, each who have thrilled us and we are so proud. They are fantastic and continue to inspire us. We have also relished the partners they have chosen.

We have six wonderful grandchildren. Andrew is inspiring and his achievements (with devoted help from his parents) have been amazing. Abby has grown into a caring, beautiful young woman who runs on the rescue squad with her Dad and Andrew and is passionate about horses. Molly is our athlete. She jumped out of a two-story window at age two and lived to play lacrosse and ride horses. How thankful we are. Our Ben, Emily and Sara are such a joy to us. They are just perfect and I know Dean will look out for them. Kisses to you all. My heart over flows with love.

I have two countries to call my own and I love both with a passion. I have been made so welcome and looked after by my friends. I love you so much. I cannot list you all but you know who you are and you are so special to me.

I wanted a longer life and my doctors and nurses tried so hard. I will settle for a perfect life.

Family Photographs from celebration of Sue's life

Good bye 
love to you all 
imagine a world 
without breast cancer.

Renaissance Rose