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The Walsh Family

It would seem that the first person that Agostino Aglio encountered on his arrival in England in 1803 was Captain James Walsh who was, as described by Agostino, a Captain of a Body of Volunteer Sharpshooters. 

He was the first senior person to deal with Agostino in the Alien Office at Gravesend and in his words "overwhelmed me with kindness and attention"

Walsh was Alien and Quarantine Officer.

The relationship did not stop there as Walsh made it clear that if ever Aglio needed help he was to contact him. He warned Aglio of the possible difficulties that he may have working for an Englishman in England; "My friend Captain Walsh when I left him for Cambridge, taking me aside said mark me – "I know my country and countrymen and as my duty of Inspector of Aliens throw me much amongst foreigners of all nations, I am well acquainted with their general feelings. You now seem delighted to meet a friend and a fellow traveller, with whom you have passed some happy days, but he was then a stranger and from home. You may find him now another man, the which I hope not, but in any case should you find your situation unpleasant and uncomfortable spare me not, but write to me immediately."

Aglio responded to this friendship by doing him a painting one night while working for Wilkins in Cambridge and it was on this occasion the Aglio began to realised that he felt 'owned' by his employer and was not going to be happy working for him in the long run. It was Captain Walsh who helped him out of the contact with Wilkins and enabled him to come to London and set up as a freelance artist. The friendship between the two grow to the extent that Aglio called one of his children Emma Walsh Aglio and James Walsh called his son Francis Augustine Walsh

Records show that the situation developed to the extent that these two aforementioned individuals married in Manchester on 28th March 1838 where Francis was working as secretary to the Manchester Royal Infirmary. It should be noted that Aglio had been working for 4 years, between 1931 and 1934 in the city painting the interior of the town hall. It was during this time that the problems with Lord Kingsborough came to a head and bankruptcy occurred.


Very little more is known at present regarding this family however it should be stated that Aglio in his Autobiography makes it clear to his son that the relationships with James Walsh and subsequently his son, Francis, are life long friendships.

Francis Walsh

Born 6 April 1813 in Lambeth 

In 1831 was appointed to assist a friend, Mr Hyatt, Secretary to the Irish Distress Committee and remained in the service of that committee till the close of their labours in August of the same year. Upwards of £50m/ was raised and distributed in the shape of provisions to the starving population.

In April 1832 was appointed Secretary to the Manchester Board of Health - appointed to deal with the visitation of Asiatic Chlolera in Manchester during that year and remained with the board till the [completion] of their labour in January 1833. 1335 cases occurred of which more than half (674) proved fatal.

After this was appointed as Secretary to the Manchester and Salford District Provident Society but remained with them a few months only, having in September 1833 age 20 obtained the appointment of Secretary to the Manchester Royal Infirmary then an asylum, having held this for a few years, joined the service of the Northern Branch of the  Bank of England - on closing of .........

He married Emma Walsh Aglio in 1838

Manchester Infirmary 

Primary Sources
The following documents are in archive:
Document commissioning James Walsh as Customers Officer at Gravesend. 1802

Document relating to salary offered to James Walsh on behalf of King George III - 1787

Document commissioning James Robert St.John Walsh as Captian in the Chatham and Dartford Regiment of Local Militia in Kent.

The Will of James Walsh

All Walsh Documents