Notes on the Life and Works of Augustine Aglio Artist of Cremona And Author of the Mexican Antiquities By Frederick Sacchi
Notes on the Life and Works of Augustine Aglio By Fredk Sacchi Cremona Printed by Rowrie and Signore 1868 Dear Mr. Doctor Francis Robolotti A brief account of the works of the illustrious artist is the object of this present work. You are well informed of the publication in 1827 of the learned account of the country in the discourse of Joseph Grasselli on Painting Sculpture and Architecture of Cremona. These notes are enhanced by the verbal information furnished by Mr Aglio himself during his short stay in Cremona in 1826 when at that time he had visited the most celebrated libraries of Europe in order to search for materials for his great work on Mexican Antiquities but from the **** of the information obtained it is only possible to give more than incomplete sketches of the number of works which Mr Aglio produced in the first epoch of his most rapid and brilliant career. In 1858 the principal work of Aglio was a new description of his native city which he gave in the history of the city and province of Cremona, but the nature of the work consisted only of a succinct review of the most distinguished individuals so famous of the country and although I would willingly have made an account of the artist in particular, yet the want of exact dates of his several works, produced in the second period of his career, rendered the idea impossible. F.S. Abridged Biography from memory of the life and works Augustine Aglio, Painter of Cremona Translated from English